
Wordament cheat theme theatre
Wordament cheat theme theatre

wordament cheat theme theatre

Digrams are tiles which feature two consecutive letters, and will count for two letters in your word.A legit elite player will smoke cheaters 100% of the time.There are four kinds of special tiles in Wordament: Digrams, Either/Ors, Suffixes and Prefixes. Of course when you get as good as me there's no better feeling than crushing fools who think they're going to place first by cheating. People who only get 30 words and over 1000 points every round for example is a blatantly obvious example of this. There are cheaters, but cheaters are easy to spot. They're well known players and have been playing for a long time. the people who are in the top 10 regularly are always in the top 10. His talent level is on another planet, let alone the fact that he's like 10 years oldĪs far as cheating. I've pretty much beat every single player except for Discopidgeon. It's gotten to the point where words just pop out at me. I know how to form words with common groupings of letters. I come in 1st in about 1/3 of the games I play.īasically it comes down to the fact that I've been playing the game regularly for a year. I average 70 words and a bit over 900 points per game, ranked in the top 30 average. Thanks for your interest in our game and for playing! After a few weeks of practice he was getting 30 words, then 40, then. Disco (who holds the current speed record of 158 words in a single game-ridiculous to the point of unbelievable, if I didn't know him personally and had previously witnessed him doing those things) started like most people getting just 10 - 20 words in a round. We've watched people consistently improve with playtime and practice. Videos of folks like DiscoPidgeon and mztan, both great players and personal friends of the Wordament team. There are many videos available on YouTube (just search Wordament) where you can see people get 100+ words. The people that are consistently scoring at the top are truly outstanding players. I'm the engineering manager for Wordament and while I will confirm that people try to cheat at Wordament, we have pretty strong policies and enforcement against it.

Wordament cheat theme theatre