After running the patch, all organization should still take steps to fully update their Exchange servers as the company previously detailed. It also said that it's not a replacement for the previously released Exchange patches "but is the fastest and easiest way to mitigate the highest risks to internet-connected, on-premises Exchange servers prior to patching," the company wrote. Microsoft notes that the patch will only work against attacks that it has seen so far and may not be effective against future hacks. This tool should only be used as a temporary mitigation until your Exchange servers can be fully updated as outlined in our previous guidance. It will then scan your Exchange server using the Microsoft Safety Scanner and attempt to reverse any changes made by identified threats. One you run the application, it will first mitigate against current known attacks that exploit the flaw (CEV-2021-26855) using an URL rewrite configuration. Now, Microsoft has released a "one-click" mitigation tool for smaller companies that's relatively easy to install.
However, that fix is designed mostly for large organizations with IT departments that can handle the relatively complex deployment. Microsoft recently released a patch for the "Hafnium" vulnerability that has been wreaking havoc across its Exchange email and calendar servers.